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News Archive May - June 2008


Gilles Kepel i Fawaz A. Gerges, protagonistes del darrer debat del cicle "Democràcia en construcció"

Dimarts, 10 de juny (18.30 hores)
Gilles Kepel i Fawaz A. Gerges, dos reconeguts experts internacionals sobre el món àrab i l’islam, debatran a l’IEMed sobre com afecten els conflictes i la priorització de la seguretat a l’emergència de democràcia al món àrab.

El debat “Democràcia, conflicte i seguretat: un trinomi impossible?” comptarà també amb Martín Ortega, director del Gabinet d’Anàlisi i Previsió del Ministeri d’Afers Exteriors i de Cooperació. Serà moderat pel president del Centre Internacional de Premsa de Barcelona, Xavier Batalla. Aquest debat tanca el cicle "Democràcia en construcció: poder, actors i límits a la Mediterrània Sud".

Consulteu la invitació d'aquesta sessió així com els perfils dels ponents i documentació en el Full d'informació.

Dates: 12 i 13 de juny de 2008
Lloc: Palau de Pedralbes
Organitza: Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània i IPEMed


Les Trobades de la Mediterrània
Trobada Anual d’Empreses i Xarxes Professionals
Aconseguir la integració de l’espai euromediterrani, un repte cabdal per al món en el segle XXI, depèn del desenvolupament de factors tant de caire polític com econòmic. Ara cal enfortir la cooperació econòmica entre Europa i els països del sud de la Mediterrània, ja en curs en el marc del Procés de Barcelona. La condició per fer-ho possible és associar de manera especial els actors econòmics privats de les dues ribes amb projectes d’integració econòmica regional.
Amb aquest esperit d’intercanvi i associació d’idees per a l’elaboració de projectes de desenvolupament comuns, les Trobades de la Mediterrània tindran lloc enguany els dies 12 i 13 de juny a Barcelona. Reuniran 230 participants de països del nord i el sud de la Mediterrània, seleccionats per la seva competència en el sector empresarial, acadèmic o polític.
Els grups de treball internacionals constituïts fa un any presentaran a debat els seus projectes. Durant les Trobades de la Mediterrània, les empreses debatran, enriquiran i validaran els treballs destinats a nodrir les propostes que, en el marc d’«El Procés de Barcelona: Unió per a la Mediterrània», es presentaran als caps d’estat d’Europa i del sud de la Mediterrània el 13 de juliol de 2008 a París.
Els organitzadors han decidit atorgar un lloc destacat als següents quatre temes clau: espai financer, agricultura, aigua i energia.
Els debats es basaran en la síntesi del col•loqui geoestratègic del comitè de consellers polítics de l’IPEMed reunit a París l’abril de 2008, que es va dur a terme sota el títol: «La Mediterrània davant els reptes geopolítics del segle XXI: una regió nord-sud comuna, laboratori d’internacionalització assolida». L’IEMed va estar representat en la persona del seu Director General.
En ocasió de les Trobades de la Mediterrània, es convidarà els professionals transmediterranis a considerar la possibilitat de celebrar les seves properes reunions anuals en una mateixa data. Aquesta unitat de temps i lloc els donarà més visibilitat i convertirà aquest esdeveniment en un moment determinant per a l’acció comuna.
Les Trobades de la Mediterrània tenen vocació de durabilitat i se celebraran com a antesala de les futures reunions de caps d’estat del nord i el sud de la Mediterrània.
Els organitzadors
L’IPEMed és una associació que precedeix la Fundació per al Món Mediterrani. Té com a objectiu apropar mitjançant l’economia els països de les dues ribes de la Mediterrània. Aquest think tank internacional treballa sobre els principis següents: independència financera, paritat nord-sud en les estructures, prioritat assignada a l’economia i treball durable.
L’IEMed és un consorci, fundat l’any 1989, format pel Ministeri d’Afers Exteriors i de Cooperació, la Generalitat de Catalunya i l’Ajuntament de Barcelona. El seu Alt Patronat i el seu Consell Assessor apleguen universitats, empreses i personalitats mediterrànies de prestigi. Concebut com un laboratori d’idees especialitzat en relacions mediterrànies i d’acord amb els objectius del Procés de Barcelona, l’IEMed promou el coneixement mutu, els intercanvis, la cooperació entre els diferents països, les societats i les cultures mediterrànies.


MA Cultural Tourism - Study how Tourism makes the World

Cultural Tourism is one of the most important and rapidly expanding economic and social phenomena of the contemporary world. The Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change (CTCC) at Leeds Metropolitan University is a global leader in research and education regarding tourism and its relationships to culture(s).

The Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change has developed an important and innovative Master’s qualification in Cultural Tourism which will allow you to take an informed position in contemporary theoretical debates and applied policy programmes focusing on tourism and its relationships with culture in its many forms and expressions. The course is designed to equip you with the knowledge, ideas, and awareness of contemporary policy contexts, together with the research skills and relevant practical applications relating to cultural tourism.

Through course modules you will be able to study: The structures and dynamics of international tourism; the social practices and performances of tourists; international tourism policy; the relationships between tourism and concepts of modernity, globalisation and colonialism; tangible and intangible heritage and their management; the role of museums and the ways by which cultures are represented; festivals and cultural events; culture and regeneration; tourism as a means of intercultural dialogue.

Through the Researching Cultural Tourism module, a choice of second semester options and, the opportunity to work on a ‘live’ case study relating to the cultural sector, you will be able to develop your own interests and skills. By undertaking your dissertation you will be equipped for future leadership roles in the diverse and dynamic field of cultural tourism and/or develop an opportunity to undertake a PhD at the prestigious Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change.

For further information and an application form please email to Dr Philip Long at Or visit our website for further details:



Journal of Comparative Studies of South Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East

Comparative Studies of South Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East will dedicate its Winter 2009 volume to the 30th anniversary of the Iranian revolution. The journal will publish papers on important aspects of revolutions including, but not limited to, Iran. Manuscripts should be between 7,000-10,000 words. The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2008. Electronic submission is preferred. Submission guidelines can be viewed at: <>.


Traditions and Transformations: Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Change in the Middle East and North Africa Region

4 – 7 April 2009, Amman, Jordan

Tourism is a well established phenomenon across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region and despite political instabilities it demonstrates remarkable resilience. As well as being a major economic force and a key driver for development, tourism is also an important mechanism for social exchange and identity building at both the individual and regional/national levels. Over recent years the rate of tourism development has increased substantively. Multi-national investments in hotels, resort complexes and infrastructure, together with major heritage conservation projects are catalysing significant social changes (such as shifting patterns of labour migration and the testing of ‘traditional’ values and practices), environmental changes (at the aesthetic level and in terms of physical change), and political changes (re-orientation of alliances and new globalised relationships).
The aims of this major international and multi-disciplinary conference are: To critically explore the major issues facing the MENA region with regard to the development of tourism and its relationships with heritage and culture; To draw upon ideas, cases and best practice from international scholars and help develop new understandings and research capacities regarding the relationships between tourism, heritage and culture in the MENA Region and; To provide a major networking opportunity for international scholars, policy makers and professionals.


In this major conference we seek to examine the phenomenon of tourism across the Middle East and North Africa Region and its changing relationships with heritage and culture. We wish to promote dialogue across disciplinary boundaries and thus we welcome papers from the following disciplines: anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art and design history, cultural geography, cultural studies, ethnology and folklore, history, heritage studies, landscape studies, linguistics, museum studies, political science, sociology, tourism studies and urban/spatial planning. Key themes of interest to the conference include: • Histories, mobilities, and the symbolic / political economies of tourism • Tourism in the construction of places / spaces / nations• The role of archaeology in contemporary tourism • Structures / infrastructures of international tourism – building/ architecture/ design for tourism & tourists | Tourism and the role of the museum• The conservation of heritage for tourism• The practices and performances of ‘tradition’• Tourist art and art for tourists• Intangible heritage and its role in tourism• Rural and urban tourism practices.

Please submit a 300 word abstract including title and full contact details as an electronic file to Prof Mike Robinson ( You may submit your abstract as soon as possible but no later than 30th September 2008.
Conference Organisers: Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, and the Council for British Research in the Levant, Amman, Jordan. For further details on the conference please visit: or


Euromed Migration II: Opening Conference

More than 76 participants from both MEDA and EU countries attended the Opening Conference of the Euromed Migration II project. This new regional project will strengthen EU cooperation with its Mediterranean partners on migration issues and reinforce partners' capabilities. Cooperation will cover issues such as: mechanisms to support legal immigration opportunities, the fight against human trafficking and illegal immigration and the correlation between migration and development. Four working groups will formulate recommendations respectively on regulatory convergence (adaptation of immigration law), employment markets, fight against illegal immigration, and money transfers from migrants. Additionally, there will be around 40 training seminars and 10 study visits organised in the framework of the project. The results will be presented during the three planned regional conferences.

The Opening Conference was an opportunity to present the topics that will be developed by the different working groups. A provisional calendar was drawn up. The next two working group sessions will be held in Luxembourg on 17-19 June 2008 on "Migration and Remittances in the Euro Mediterranean Region" and in Morocco on "Labour Migration" on 14-15 July 2008.


WOMEN AND MIGRATION: ART, POLITICS AND POLICY - An AHRC ‘Making the Connections’ Regional Network Workshop

Loughborough University FRIDAY 20th JUNE 2008 | A REFUGEE WEEK EVENT

The ninth event in the Making Connections: arts, migration and diaspora series will be held in The Business School, Loughborough University, on Friday 20th June 2008, during Refugee Week.

This workshop focuses upon ‘women and migration’ within the broader context of the asylum-migration nexus and the relationship between women’s experiences as asylum seekers, refugees, or migrants and questions of culture, law, citizenship, and politics. What is clear from the available research and media representations is that women lack a voice, and that overall the voices of migrants are usually mediated by others (journalists, advocacy groups, researchers); and that women face many barriers including a gender biased asylum system. Speakers from a variety of sectors (arts, social policy, media and law) will focus on outlining the important role that the arts, social policy, citizenship, the law, and the media have in ensuring women migrants have a voice. Speakers include Marsha Meskimmon (women and art); Usha Sood (women and the law); Hildegard Dumper (research on women’s experiences of the asylum-migration nexus), and Ruth Lister (women, poverty and citizenship). Presentations and workshops will be led by a range of organisations including the Nottingham African Women’s Empowerment Forum (NAWEF), the National Institute for Access to Continuing Education (NIACE), The Long Journey Home, Nottingham Trent University and Paragon Law. There will be an opportunity for all delegates to engage in discussion, and explore how the issues raised can be taken forward practically through the creation of a Manifesto for the region on ‘What Women Want’. The event is FREE and Buffet Lunch and Refreshments are provided. We also want to provide plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate, so places are limited. We are happy to assist with transport costs for unwaged delegates. If you would like to attend, please contact Richard Bessell on Tel: (01509) 223383 by June 6th at the latest.



CALL FOR PAPERS - India and the Indian Diasporic Imagination

Paul Valery University, Montpellier 3, France | 1-4 April, 2009

A partnership between the Cerpac (Research Centre for the Commonwealth, EA 741, Montpellier 3), the Caribbean Studies Centre
(London Metropolitan University, UK), Desi (Diasporas : Research Centre on Indian Specificities / EA 4196 Climas, Bordeaux3), the
Department of History of Purdue University (USA).

Keynote speakers : Pr Clem Seecharan (London Metropolitan University, UK) and Pr Vijay Mishra (Murdoch University, Perth,
Australia) | Invited Writers : Cyril Dabydeen, David Dabydeen, Romesh Gunesekera, Lakshmi Persaud, Khal Torabully

The 19th century witnessed large-scale migration from India to various parts of the world. Indentured labourers were recruited to work in the Caribbean between 1838 and 1917 (particularly Guyana, Surinam and Trinidad as well as Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Martinique), Fiji, Mauritius (as early as 1834), South Africa and a few other plantation colonies. Over one million Indians sold themselves into bondage before the system was made illegal in 1917. Other migrants from the Indian sub- continent later worked in East Africa, to work on the railways and in other industries, going to Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania. The descendents of these peoples, who have gone to Europe, North America and Australia since the Second World War, now constitute a substantial and fascinatingly diverse diaspora.

Representations of their notions of “Mother India” have been crucial to the shaping of identity among many of these diasporic peoples. As the stature of India as a potential world power has grown in the last ten years, there seems to be a resurgence of interest in India, which has contributed to enhanced self-esteem in these communities. Far from emphasizing the question of origin, the papers will focus on the interaction between Indians in India and those in the diaspora. If diasporic Indians have been transforming the countries they have been living in, it is legitimate to ask how India itself is being transformed by its peoples in the diaspora. The privileging of
categories such as ‘non-resident Indians’ or ‘persons of Indian Origin’ by India enhances this line of enquiry.

In recent years outstanding works of the creative imagination, based on these diverse communities have emerged, in conjunction with an impressive body of scholarship. Yet, no major international, multidisciplinary and bilingual conference has sought to tap into this
rich reservoir of learning. This conference seeks to redress this shortcoming.

This is a call for papers which explore all aspects of the Indian diasporic experience and its representations. Contributors are invited
to participate in a conference that addresses the following areas: Cinema, Culture, Economics, History, Music and Dance, Photography,
Religion, Sports, Women’s Studies. Literature and Comparative Literature will, of course, be prominent, and particular attention
will be devoted to writers of Indian origin writing in English (one can think among others of Meena Alexander, Cyril Dabydeen, David
Dabydeen, Mahadai Das, Anita Desai, Amitav Ghosh, Romesh Gunesekera, Ismith Kahn, Peter Kempadoo, Oonya Kempadoo, HS Ladoo, Jumpha Lahiri, Leelawatee Manoo-Rahming, Rohinton Mistry, Rooplall Monar, Shani Mootoo, Bharati Mukherjee, Lakshmi Persaud, Sasenarine Persaud, Vikram Seth, Ryhaan Shah, Rajkumari Singh, MG Vassanji…), or in French (Khal Torabully, Ananda Devi…). For the cinema, one can think of Mira Nair, Deepa Mehta, Sandhya Suri, among others. English will be the language of the conference (except for the papers about works in French).

Those interested in participating should send their abstracts (between 250 and 300 words) as well as a short bio-bibliographical notice (200 words) to the two convenors: Dr Judith Misrahi-Barak and Dr Rita Christian The deadline for sending the proposals is June 30, 2008. Acceptance will be notified by September 15.


“Refugee Voices”

Refugee voices is a forum provided by Helsinki Citizens' Assembly (Turkey) Refugee Advocacy and Support Program and dedicated to the views and voices of refugees living in Turkey. Please find the English version of the most recent issue (Spring 2008) at:

Source: Forced Migration



Journal of South Asian Studies - Special issue on food, memory, pleasure and politics

Special Issue on 'Food: Memory, Pleasure and Politics' in South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. Vol. 31, no. 1 (April 2008).



Refugee Law in the Era of Globalization Emerging Issues for the Teaching of Refugee Law - A Conference Hosted by The Refugee Law Reader

Call for Papers

A two-day seminar on Refugee Law in the Era of Globalization will be held in Brussels on November 12-14, 2008. Globalization has introduced a wide of range of transformations that have profoundly shaped contemporary refugee law and policy. We are seeking proposals for papers that explore some of the emerging legal issues that arise from one or several aspects of changes brought about by globalization. The analysis may be national, regional, or international in focus. The conference will be hosted by The Refugee Law Reader ( <> ), an on-line living 'case-book' that is published by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and aims to meet the changing needs of scholars and teachers working in the rapidly evolving field of refugee law. Proposals of between 200-400 words should be submitted by July 7, 2008 to Full funding for travel expenses, accommodation and conference registration is available for academics from EU Member States whose papers are accepted and who are either teaching or researching in the field of refugee law. Papers are also welcome from those coming from beyond the EU. For accepted papers from these scholars, the conference registration is free, but travel, accommodation and meal costs have to be covered by the participant.



Forced Migration Podcast: Human Displacement and Climate Change in International Law

The first of The Hague Debates was recorded by Radio Netherlands Worldwide on Thursday, 22 May 2008 in the Peace Palace and is entitled 'When home gets too hot: Human Displacement and Climate Change in International Law'. A podcast of the debate is now available via the Forced Migration Online website.



Curso 'Política Europea en la Cuenca del Mediterráneo'

Universidad de Jaén, miércoles 7, 14, 21, y 28 de mayo.

La Fundación Tres Culturas colabora por tercer año consecutivo con la Cátedra Jean Monnet de la Universidad de Jaén en la organización del Curso de Especialización ¨Instituciones de Derecho Comunitario¨. La puesta en marcha de la decimotercera edición del curso nace con el fin de brindar los instrumentos necesarios para un mayor y mejor conocimiento del proceso de integración europea y alentar el debate y diálogo sobre los temas claves para el futuro de Europa.


Call for Papers: Migration, sovereignty and agency - forthcoming Special Issue of The Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding

We would like to invite papers on the theme of migration, sovereignty and agency for a forthcoming Special Issue of The Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding scheduled for publication in 2009.

Papers are welcome that raise questions related to concepts and practices of migration, sovereignty and agency in a variety of contexts and from a variety of perspectives. Articles should be submitted via email to Chris Gilligan (Aston University, UK) at: to arrive by Thursday 21st of August 2008. Articles should have a 'Harvard-style' referencing system, and 7- 8,000 words in length (excluding notes and references, although notes should be kept to a minimum).

The suggestions which follow below provide a guide to the kinds of topics that we would consider for the conference and for publication.

Migration, sovereignty and agency

Firstly, we would like to encourage papers that deal with questions of sovereignty and agency in relation to the regulation of human movement. Human mobility has been subject to increasing controls in recent years, particularly migration to developed industrialised states. These processes raise a range of empirical, analytical, political and normative questions. For example, what contradictions emerge through such a process, and where can we locate agency? How does the state distinguish between migrants, and what are the consequences of such divisive practices? In what ways are historical patterns of domination extended or disrupted through the changing institutional organisation and changing practices of migration control?

Secondly, we would like to encourage papers that deal with questions about migration, sovereignty and agency in relation to trans- or post-nationalism. This theme can be approached in various ways: in terms of migration control; in terms of the production of deterritorialised spaces; and/or in terms of the development of transnational social movements. Questions arise here about the tensions between migratory processes and state regulations, about the reconfiguration of the state in a world of increased mobility, and about the challenges posed to state sovereignty by acts of migration. How does the sovereign state feature in such a process, and what are the key sites in which its regulatory powers are exercised? Do processes of emigration and immigration serve as transnational acts of resistance against the state? What new spaces and modes of political belonging emerge in a context of increased international mobility?

Thirdly, we would like to encourage papers that deal with questions of migration, sovereignty and agency in relation to states and development. In industrialising countries such as China and India migrant labour from rural areas into rapidly urbanizing areas is a significant social phenomenon. Flows of remittances from migrants in more developed countries to their families in less developed states have been touted as a significant and growing source of funds for development. On the other hand the demands in industrialised or post-industrial states for ‘managed migration’ have provoked concerns in the developing world regarding a ‘brain drain’ of skills from their societies. Are movements of people driven by market forces with little scope for conscious human intervention? Is the increasing significance of remittances an example of development ‘from below’, a way in which migrants are able to exercise agency beyond the controls of the state?

Fourthly, we would like to encourage papers that deal with questions of migration, sovereignty and agency in relation to violent political conflict and peace-building. Refugees and asylum-seekers are usually presented as victims of war, but can they be considered to be active agents who are ‘voting with their feet’ and removing their consent to be ruled by a state they oppose? Are displaced people used as a pretext for undermining the sovereignty of the state in the non-Western world, or does humanitarian intervention arise from genuine concern? Can this concern for the victims of war be reconciled with the increasing restriction of refugees and asylum-seekers in the very states which promote humanitarian intervention? Should peacekeeping forces be considered a form of migrant labour?


African Migration Workshop - Call for Papers



Lecturer in Tourism - Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh School of Business, Enterprise & Management

£32,795 - £41,545 (progression possible to £46,759) Ref: CRRM009A

You will be expected to contribute to the teaching portfolio in Tourism Management and associated areas at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and in a diverse range of learning and teaching modes.You will be research active – in line with the research strengths of the School – and engaged in other scholarly activity in relation to the School’s strategic development.

The school has good working links with industry and with research collaborators. There is a strong commitment to the development of
interdisciplinary education and research within the School and with international collaborators. You should have a postgraduate qualification or be nearing completion of a PhD. You should have experience of high quality teaching at undergraduate level and ideally a track record of research that includes publication and presentations related to the teaching responsibilities you will have.

For a recruitment pack, please contact Human Resources on (0131) 474 0000 and ask for ‘staff vacancy’ or email quoting the appropriate reference. Completed application forms should be returned by 13th June and interviews will take place on 2nd July 2008.



Refugee Studies Centre, Department of International Development, University of Oxford - 20th annual Elizabeth Colson lecture

The Refugee Studies Centre, Department of International Development, University of Oxford announces the 20th annual Elizabeth Colson lecture, on Wednesday 21 May, 17.00 at the Flora Anderson Hall, Somerville College, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HD. 'Zomia, a Zone of Resistance: The last great enclosure movement and stateless peoples in Southeast Asia', by Professor James C Scott, Sterling Professor of Political Science and Anthropology, Yale University. All welcome. For further information please contact



MA in Sociology - Mobilities Pathways - Lancaster University
This pathway provides an introduction to a new approach within the social sciences that focuses upon the study of intersecting mobilities. Lancaster is one of the main bases for this new social science which examines how very many practices and institutions in social life depend upon diverse forms of travel, transport, tourism and communications.

This course provides an opportunity to study this new approach where in part it is being generated. It is taught by some of the leading contributors to this new approach who have produced major books, reports and articles. Some of this work involves collaborations with designers, engineers and artists who are involved in imagining and producing alternative mobility futures. The major interdisciplinary journal Mobilities is based in the Centre for Mobilities Research, Sociology Department, Lancaster University.

For further information please write to Jules Knight:



Manufactured Landscapes – film show

As part of the New Sciences of Protection: Designing Safe Living programme, there will be a showing of 'Manufactured Landscapes' on 23 May 2008, at 8.30pm, at Dukes cinmema Lancaster. there will be an introduction by Photographer Jristos Boukalas.

Directed by: Jennifer Baichwal |Year: 2007 | Running time: 90 mins | Certificate: U

In Manufactured Landscapes, acclaimed filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal follows internationally celebrated photographer Edward Burtynsky to China and Bangladesh. The result is a beautifully shot and edited film, exploring the aesthetics and social and spiritual dimensions of globalization around the world today, revealing a truly unsettling look at contemporary existence.



Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe) Annual Research Day

The next CeMoRe Research Day will take place on Friday May 23rd in the IAS. The aim of the research day is to provide a showcase for mobility-related research at Lancaster and to give mobility researchers on campus a chance to meet and exchange research ideas. I hope that you will be able to come along.

There is no charge for the event and a light buffet lunch will be provided. So that we can judge numbers for catering can you please confirm your attendance with Pennie Drinkall ( no later than 19 May 2008



Migration and the Gender/Race Nexus: Methodologies, Epistemologies and Normative Commitments

5 September 2008

Recent debates on migration and the (re)production of global inequalities have contributed significantly to the deconstruction of some social myths that plagued academic scholarship in the past. Commonplace perceptions of migrants as young and male have been challenged. It has been acknowledged that the interplay of various social factors in the decision of individuals to migrate affect the two genders in different ways. Gender roles and relations overdetermine who migrates and why, and the impacts the phenomenon has both on policy-making in the ‘host’ country and the newcomers. The academic feminisms of the 1980s and the 1990s were complemented by activist work; the two together contributed to a better understanding of how migration can cement traditional roles and inequalities - or even expose women to new dangers. At the same time, a new wave of feminist critique moved away from the myth of ‘victimisation’, suggesting that women are not passive recipients but active agents in migration processes.
‘Colour’ and ethnicity (as well as a wilful conflation of the two) also matter, of course. ‘Race’ remains essential in the production of local, national and global hierarchies of cultural and political value, sanctioning and naturalising ideas of ‘second’ and ‘third’ class citizenships. Such changes in the political and academic arenas led to a better understanding of migration and settlement processes in different political, economic and cultural contexts, and according to factors such as gender, class, and, most importantly, race/ethnicity. Gendered and racialised migrations invite questions concerning citizenship rights and duties, the future and nature of ‘cosmopolitan identities’ and the battle for recognition of social and cultural ‘difference’ in receiving countries. Finally, they introduce questions of power, knowledge and relationality in the field of social research: how can these issues be addressed?

This symposium will explore methodological questions and epistemological challenges in migration research on the gender/race nexus. Suggested themes for discussion include:
1. Research methods (interview sampling, structured/unstructured interviews, focus groups, auto/biographical narratives, archival research)
2. Methodological innovations in the field
3. Questions of knowledge in research on gender/race and migration
4. Emerging themes and theoretical approaches
5. Normative commitments in research and the role of academic work in the making of alternative socio-political futures

Provisional programme :
Stratification and global migrations: gender, class and race (Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex)
Producing the norm: modernity, technology and migrant women (Parvati Raghuram, Open University)
Cultural capital of second generation migrant women in the UK: reconstructing gendered experiences through biographical narratives (Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, MASC, Kent)
Power, knowledge and resistance: researching the relationship between generation, gender and ethnicity in the context of British Bangladeshi settlers and recent Polish migrants (John Eade, Roehampton)
Making the connections: arts, politics and policy (Maggie O’Neil, Loughborough)
Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies at the University of Leeds has a history of critical interdisciplinary engagement with the origins, production and conditions of racism. This symposium forms part of CERS’ Racialised Hostilities programme of activities for 2008 in celebration of its tenth year of existence.

REGISTRATION: Early registration is advised as participant spaces are strictly limited. Registration fees: £30 (Academics and unwaged); £60 (others) : Registration includes morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea. For registration or further details contact: Ms Marie Ross | Research Support Officer | Tel: 0113 343 407. | Email:




Breaking News to all ALF National Network members: Now you can choose who will be the next winner of this year’s edition of the Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures.

The Anna Lindh Foundation and Fondazione Mediterraneo have the pleasure to announce the launch of the Third Edition of the Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures 2008. This year, the members have the chance to not only nominate the candidates, but also to select the winner of the Award through an online voting system.


The theme chosen by the Presidency of the Award for the third edition is Dialogue Through Arts. The particular field of art chosen is visual arts, which includes the following disciplines: drawing, painting, photography, and sculpture.


National Network members only have the right to submit nominations. A nomination can also be jointly presented by several members of National Networks.

Eligible nomination must include the following:

1. attached a CV (curriculum vitae) of the candidate (maximum 3 pages). The résumé should highlight the most recent achievements of the candidate over the last 3 years, contributing to intercultural understanding.
2. attached sample of the artist’s work (image or link to online gallery) for evaluation.

To submit a nomination, please refer to the attached Nomination Form, complete and send it to with copy to An online Nomination Form will soon be available on the Anna Lindh Foundation website.


This year, the Heads of National Network will choose the five finalists nominated for the award before 30 June 2008. Then, all National Network members will be invited to choose the winner among the five finalists through an online voting system. The election is expected to take place from 8 – 13 July. The candidate who gets the majority of votes within a National Network, s/he will be considered the candidate of this respective network. This is in order to ensure a balanced and fair electoral process, since the number of members vary from one network to the other.


The winner will receive a trophy in a prestigious event, and will participate in at least another National Network event. In addition, the winner and the finalists will have the opportunity to display their work in an online virtual gallery.

So, make up your mind now and nominate an artist who has contributed to dialogue between cultures through his/her work of art.

Deadline: 10 June 2008

For queries, please contact Mr. Gianluca Solera, Network Coordinator ( or
Ms. Rasha Shaaban, Assistant Network Coordinator (

Lancée la TROISIÈME Édition du Prix Euro-Med

Dernières nouvelles pour les membres des réseaux nationaux FAL :
Dès maintenant, vous pouvez choisir qui sera la gagnant de l’édition 2008 du Prix Euro-Med pour le dialogue entre les cultures.
La Fondation Anna Lindh et Fondazione Mediterraneo ont le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de la troisième édition du Prix Euro-Med pour le dialogue entre les cultures. Cette année, les membres des réseaux nationaux auront l’opportunité non seulement de nommer les candidats, mais aussi d’élire le lauréat du Prix par un système de vote en ligne.
Le thème de cette année qui a été choisi par la Présidence du Prix est le Dialogue à travers les arts. Le domaine spécifique qui a été retenu est celui des arts visuels, qui inclut les disciplines suivantes : dessin, peinture, photographie et sculpture.
Seuls les organismes membres de réseaux nationaux FAL peuvent nommer des candidats. Un candidat pourra aussi être présenté par plusieurs membres.
Tout dossier de candidature doit inclure les pièces suivantes :
1. Un CV (curriculum vitae) du candidat (maximum 3 pages). Le résumé devrait indiquer en particulier les travaux et accomplissements des trois dernières années, qui contribuent à la compréhension inter-culturelle.
2. Une sélection du travail de(s) artistes (image ou lien à une gallérie virtuelle) pour évaluation.

Pour soumettre une candidature, veuillez vous référer au formulaire de nomination ci-joint, le remplir et l'envoyer à avec copie à Un formulaire en ligne sera bientôt disponible sur le site Internet de la Fondation Anna Lindh.
Cette année, les Chefs de file des réseaux FAL sélectionneront les meilleurs cinq finalistes avant le 30 juin 2008. Ensuite, tous les membres des réseaux nationaux seront invités à déposer leur vote en choisissant parmi les cinq finalistes à travers une consultation électorale en ligne, qui aura lieu du 8 au 13 juillet. Le candidat finaliste qui recevra la majorité des voix exprimées au sein de chaque réseau national sera considéré comme le candidat du réseau en question. Ceci pour que la procédure soit équilibrée par rapport au poids électoral de chaque réseau, étant donné que le nombre de membres des réseaux nationaux est très varié.
Le lauréat recevra un trophée dans le cadre d’un événement prestigieux, et il participera à au moins une activité d’un réseau national. Le lauréat et les finalistes auront aussi l’opportunité d’exposer leur travail dans une gallérie virtuelle en ligne.
Alors, maintenant il est à vous de nommer des artistes qui ont contribué au dialogue entre les cultures à travers leur travail !

DATE LIMITE: 10 juin 2008

Pour toute question supplémentaire, contactez M. Gianluca Solera ( ou Mme Rasha Shaaban (



International Student Mobilities: a workshop

Tuesday, 24th June 2008. University of Surrey in Room 32 MS 03

International students are an increasingly visible presence within higher education in many countries, including the UK, and the recent trend in overseas study is widely predicted to continue. Research has begun to acknowledge this, addressing the international mobility of students as part of a wider interest in the transnational migration of highly skilled workers in a global knowledge economy. Most of this work, however, describes a limited pattern of student mobility – from non-English speaking to English-speaking countries, from East to West, and from developing to advanced economies. Very little attention has been paid to students who move from advanced English-speaking countries to pursue their studies overseas. This workshop seeks to address this significant gap in extant knowledge through an examination of the motivations and experiences of the increasing numbers of UK students and graduates choosing a foreign education.





The 5th Cycling and Society Research Group symposium will be held on Monday 8th September 2008 at the Centre for Transport & Society, University of the West of England

(Room 4Q65 Frenchay Campus - -


It is an opportunity for those interested in the broad range of cycling issues - academics, policy makers, decision makers and campaigners - to share their research, knowledge and experience.

This symposium series was launched in 2004 at Lancaster University, with subsequent meetings at the Universities of Cardiff (2005), Chester (2006) and at the offices of the Cyclist's Touring Club (CTC) Guildford (2007). The symposia are linked to the Cycling and Society Research Group ( whose members span many disciplines and approaches to the study of cycling. An edited collection of papers was launched at the CTC symposium in 2007 - Cycling and Society, eds. Horton, Rosen & Cox, Ashgate 2007 - and many of these papers were first presented at the Lancaster symposium.

Papers on any aspect of cycling research are welcome. Past symposia have included papers on cycling and social transformation; gender; dentity; image; fear;history; policy; legal issues; route choice modelling; design; barriers to cycling; contradictions in cycling statistics; research methodologies; innovation in the cycle industry; and communication between cyclists and drivers.

Please send an abstract of up to 300 words by July 11th 2008 to

Those wishing to participate in the symposium without presenting a paper are very welcome to attend. There will also be an informal session for academic researchers on Tuesday 9th September in the morning. Further information on registering for the event on Monday 8th September will follow. If you need any further information please contact Tel. 0117 328 3066



Mediterranean Politics - Public Announcement from Mediterranean Politics

Mediterranean Politics is pleased to announce its recent inclusion by Thomson in its ISI Web of Knowledge. The journal will be listed back to issue 1 of 2007 in the Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch and the Journal Citation Reports. Our first impact factor will be published in the 2009 JCR, which will come out in mid-2010.

This important development is a reflection on the excellence of the research articles and other contributions that many of you have published with us in recent years, and on the work of our tremendously supportive referees and reviewers. We trust that this recognition will provide a stimulus for our further development as a journal committed to attracting the very best research in contemporary Mediterranean studies.

For further information about Mediterranean Politics, including submission forms and our Notes for Authors, please visit our web pages at:

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